Monday, September 27, 2010

Peace Quotations..

Peace Quotations
"Live Life One Day at a Time."
Peace Quotes:
Freedom from desire leads to inner peace.
                                                                      - Lao Tse 
A smile is the beginning of peace.
                                                                      - Mother Teresa   

Whenever you are sincerely pleased, you are nourished.
                                                                      - Ralph Waldo Emerson   

End each day with thoughts of peace.  Begin each day with
     thoughts of peace.  Continue thinking thoughts of peace
     throughout your precious day and happiness will be yours. 
 Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek but a means by
      which we arrive at that goal. 
                                                             - Martin LutherKing,Jr.                                                                   

When we are present in each moment, the past gently rolls up
      behind us and the future slowly unravels before us.
                                                                           - Rev Richard Levy
Everything you do can be done better from a place of relaxation.
                                                                           - Stephen C. Paul


Set peace of mind as your highest goal, and organize your life
    around it.
                                                                                    - Brian Tracy


True peace is found in this moment. Acceptance is the 1st step
    to inner calm.


The poor long for riches, the rich long for heaven, but the
    wise long for a state of tranquility.
                                                                    - Swami Rama

It isn't enough to talk about peace, one must believe it. 
    And it isn't enough to to believe in it, one must work for it.
                                                                            - Eleanor Roosevelt

Love the moment and the energy of that moment will spread
    beyond all boundaries into blissful, peaceful happiness.


Year by year the complexities of this world grow more bewildering,
     and so each year we need all the more to seek peace and 
     comfort in joyful simplicities.


Those who are at war with others are not at peace with
                                                                        - William Hazlett

In acceptance, there is peace.

A soft voice is the sound of peace.

Glorious silence . . . spend a few minutes every day without
    conversation, music, or the news.  Revel in the pleasure of it.

The thief of the past and the thief of the future, rob us of the joy
    of the peace of the present moment.


Peace of mind is attained not by ignoring problems, but by
    solving them.
                                                                                    - Raymond Hull

Relaxation comes from letting go of tense thoughts.
                                                                    - Frances Wilshire

If half a century of living has taught me anything at all, it has
    taught me that nothing can bring you peace but yourself.
                                                                        - Dale Carnegie

There are hundreds of tasks we feel we must accomplish in the
    day, but if we do not take them one at a time and let them pass
         through the day slowly and evenly, 

    as do the grains of sand passing through the narrow neck of
         the hourglass, then we are bound to break our own physical
         and mental structure.
                                                                    - Ted Bergernine
                             "Above all Life should be fun!"
               "Take time for some Fun in Your Life Today!" 


               To bring about inner peace and calm your mind the
          Ultra-Deep Meditation tape, using binaural beats which  alter
          your brainwaves, will instantly take you easily to a deeper
          level of meditation than you've ever experienced before.

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