Saturday, September 25, 2010

share your experience in peace..

Please try to visit this website and reflect on the promotion of peace at


Why:  In dedication to the UN International Year of Youth, the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU) is proposing a year of exploration and learning to commemorate the UN days of peace, non-violence, tolerance and human rights.
The call: For youth and young adults to experiment with values in daily life.     
The intention: To inspire them to recognize their potential and to build inner capacity leading to new kinds of actions.                    
The aim: To shine a SPOTLIGHT on the youth’s potential to light up the world.
What:  We are issuing an invitation to today’s youth and young leaders globally to experiment with these four values (Peace in September, Non-violence in October, Tolerance in November, and Dignity (Human Rights) in December) via modern multimedia streams of expressions and to share their experiences with other participants from around the world.
Who:  We are seeking to invite world’s young camaraderie from all backgrounds, religion, ethnicity and faiths who are inspired to make positive change in their lives and are actively seeking to bring positive change to their communities and societies. The target ages are 13-17; 18-25; 26-35.


  1. I've read the links and this advocacy really enlightens people on what the world must be in the near future.

  2. people should be aware in this kind of blog sites wherein peace is mainly centered. We should always have interest in this topic for we really are involved in this concern.

  3. yeah. meaningful enough. :)

  4. teenagers should be aware in this kind of blog.

  5. Hey guys! Me and some of my groupmates did a campaign on peace and we want to share it with you. Here is the url:
